WILAmed – English

Über Uns
About us

Worldwide, WILAmed products make an important contribution to respiratory patient care for neonates, children and adults.

Intensive Ventilation

Patients with severe to life-threatening illnesses or injuries must be treated in an intensive care unit (ITS). Artificial ventilation measures in particular can only be performed in an ITS. The WILAflow Elite is a microprocessor-controlled, non-invasive ventilator for the smallest patients with a variety of advanced, non-invasive ventilation modes – including wake-up function in case of apnea and automatic leakage compensation.

Respiratory Humidification

During artificial ventilation, the natural warming, humidification and cleansing function (= respiratory gas conditioning) of the upper respiratory tract is restricted and partially bypassed. If a patient is on mechanical ventilation for an extended period of time, it is imperative that measures be taken to prevent serious complications (e.g. pulmonary infections). Respiratory humidifiers from WILAmed compensate for the loss of heat and moisture caused by artificial ventilation.

Breathing Sets

WILAmed breathing sets ensure optimal care of ventilated patients with individual, comfortable as well as effective therapies. Our breathing sets are assembled by hand. With more than 500 respiratory set variants of various types, WILAmed offers tailor-made solutions and thus reacts flexibly to the respective needs of affected patients as well as to the most diverse therapy approaches in ventilation.

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We make breathing easier –

for over 25 years!

WILAmed is an internationally operating manufacturer and distributor of medical devices and accessories in the field of invasive and non-invasive ventilation. Worldwide, WILAmed products make an important contribution to respiratory patient care for neonates, children and adults. The medium-sized company serves the homecare sector as well as clinics, hospitals and rehabilitation facilities through authorized specialized trade partners.


Respiratory Humidification

The AIRcon Gen2 humidifier is the first choice for healthcare professionals – whether in critical care or home ventilation.



Here you can find all information about our training seminars in the category “Train the Trainer”.


Education at WILAmed

“Making something that saves people’s lives” particularly excites our apprentice Patrick. As a “Young Leader”, he bears responsibility early on.


Critical Care and Home Care Solutions

Our customers include not only authorized dealers, but also hospitals and home care providers of medical equipment and accessories. The products displayed on our website are not intended for public sale. The information provided is exclusively for medical professionals. Technical specifications are subject to change.

The market development in Japan was supported by the European Regional Development Fund.

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